We were able to get in one run in Texas on the 24th (calves killing me) by Town Lake in Austin (leaving from RunTex, an awesome running store, and doing a 3 mile there and back along the trail). My mom does a weekly walk on Saturdays with Charles, manager of one of the RunTex stores, leaving from the Riverside location. Occasionally my dad joins them. My parents started doing the walks when RunTex sponsored a train for a 5k/ get free shoes program through the senior center.
We also got in workouts on the 27th and 28th while at my in-laws in Geneva IL (lifting chest, arms, back, abs then 35 min treadmill then swimming drills one day, lifting legs and 35 min on the elliptical on the other -- upped the resistance to 20 for BRIEF intervals (30-45 seconds) near the end, chanting sand stairs sand stairs sand stairs to myself).
We got back from our Christmas travels last night. I am so proud of myself for calling Mel and setting up a run for this morning. We did our short loop but at least it was something. Three short walk breaks rather than doing our timed intervals (one of which wasn't really necessary but I wanted a brief break prior to the hill and didn't want to walk the whole way up to the point where I planned to take my short walk break....did that make sense to anyone except me?).